
Using NEM's Catapult Blockchain and the Power of IoT to Combat Gas Pump Credit Card Skimmers
Utilizing blockchain and IoT will enable businesses to not only protect gas pumps from skimmers, but also other critical equipment.

The Future of Drone Delivery Systems - NEM Catapult & IoT
This article goes over several challenges and solutions in the up-and-coming drone delivery industry. Tangible Applications of blockchain and IoT are presented to solve the current problems, and provide overall robustness to this relatively new technological concept. Concepts such as ownership, access control, data logging, and peer-to-peer deliveries are covered.

Using IoT Context Awareness and the NEM Catapult Blockchain to Combat ATM Skimming
There's a widespread problem of ATM card skimming in the US. Thankfully, IoT context awareness and blockchain can help solve the issue of fraud on ATMs.