
The Path to Future-Proof IoT
The adaptability to conform to new standards as they arise, and pivot to implement both new and existing protocols, is an integral aspect of future-proofing IoT devices.
Wittra Sweden AB

Roadblocks in IoT Implementation
Successful IoT implementation requires a nuanced, intentional approach that takes cybersecurity and technological expertise into account.
Wittra Sweden AB

Selecting the Best Positioning Technology
Determining the position of an object in space is challenging. Positioning technology based on a lower frequency band may be the solution.
Wittra Sweden AB

Is Smart Farming the Future of Agriculture?
As challenges like urbanization and population growth reduce land for farming, farmers can turn to smart farming options for future success.
Wittra Sweden AB

Smart Farming and IoT Solutions Empower Farmers
There are many challenges facing the farming industry, but IoT and smart farming can offer the necessary solutions.
Wittra Sweden AB

Five IoT Smart Agriculture Use Cases
Examples of smart agriculture include soil management, crop monitoring, predictive maintenance, livestock management, and process automation.
Wittra Sweden AB
Press Releases

Wittra Introduces ‘Software Define Hardware’
Wittra has introduced 'Software Define Hardware' to simplify deployment, reduced hardware requirements, sustainability, and more.
Wittra Sweden AB

Wittra Positioning Technology Makes The Impossible Possible
Wittra sought a solution for accurate positioning over narrow-band radio technologies, something previously considered impossible.
Wittra Sweden AB

Wittra Has Signed an Agreement With the Stockholm Fair
Wittra Sweden AB is pleased to announce the signing of a commercial agreement with The Stockholm Fair, Wittra will provide IoT solutions to locate vehicles positioned both indoors and outdoors using a single technology deployment.
Wittra Sweden AB

Proving the Value of IoT: A System Integrator’s Guide
There is an increased focus on security in IoT. This white paper from Wittra is a System Integrator's guide into proving the value of IoT.
Wittra Sweden AB

Smart IoT Solutions for Sustainability
Sustainability made more possible through Smart IoT solutions. Learn more on this white paper from Wittra!
Wittra Sweden AB

Positioning Technology from Wittra
Wittra's Positioning Technology offers a solution that allows users to connect, sense and locate their assets.
Wittra Sweden AB