
EastWest Institute Introduces a New Guide To Make Tomorrow’s Smart Cities Secure and Safe

EastWest Institute Introduces a New Guide To Make Tomorrow’s Smart Cities Secure and Safe

Guest Author

- Publish Date: February 14, 2019

Guest Author

- Publish Date: February 14, 2019

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The EastWest Institute (EWI) today released a new report: Smart and Safe: Risk Reduction in Tomorrow’s Citiesdesigned to provide guidance for executives and administrators, to make tomorrow’s Smart Cities secure and safe by managing technology effectively.

“The rapid evolution of Smart Cities is both exciting and daunting due to the incredible pace of technological change and adoption,” noted Bruce McConnell, EWI Global Vice President, who heads the institute’s Global Cooperation in Cyberspace program, and co-author of the report. “This guide was developed to recognize and support all key stakeholders involvedmunicipalities, governments, urban planners, businesses and community leadersto help them safeguard Smart Cities for the future.”

A product of the EastWest Institute’s Breakthrough Group on Secure, Resilient Cities and the Internet of Things, this guide was prepared by Bruce McConnell and Andreas Kuehn, EWI Senior Program Associate, with input from senior experts from Unisys, Microsoft, Huawei Technologies and NXP Semiconductors, as well as perspectives from over 15 global specialists.

“Urban leaders around the globe are embracing the concept of Smart Cities, using technology, interconnectivity and the Internet of Things to improve their citizens’ lives,” said Unisys Chairman and CEO Peter Altabef. “City officials must be aware of key lessons and best practices to implement and integrate technologies that make Smart Cities Safe Cities for improved public safety and public health. This guide was created for this express purpose.”

The guide will help to identify and describe city-wide challenges and provide recommended actions across four major areas:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cyber Resilience
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Collaboration and Coordination in Governance

Click here for the full report.

About the EastWest Institute: 

The EastWest Institute works to reduce international conflict, addressing seemingly intractable problems that threaten world security and stability. We forge new connections and build trust among global leaders and influencers, help create practical new ideas and take action through our network of global decision-makers. Independent, nonprofit since our founding in 1980, we have offices in New York, Brussels, Moscow and San Francisco. Learn more at www.eastwest.ngo.

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