7 Best MQTT Client Tools Worth Trying in 2023
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
EMQ Technologies Inc.
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), the MQTT protocol is being widely used by many companies and developers. In the journey of learning and using MQTT, MQTT client tools are used to connect to MQTT brokers for publishing, subscribing, and messages sending and receiving.
A handy client tool can greatly facilitate developers to explore MQTT features and debug IoT applications, shortening the development cycle. Given the variety of MQTT client tools available with different functional focuses, choosing a suitable MQTT client tool is challenging for beginners and even MQTT experts.
We have selected seven of the most useful MQTT client tools in 2023 and listed them by Desktop, Browser, Command Line, and Mobile categories. We hope this article will help you quickly find a suitable one for MQTT development.
"Given the variety of MQTT client tools available with different functional focuses, choosing a suitable MQTT client tool is challenging for beginners and even MQTT experts."
A good MQTT client tool should possess the following key features.
MQTTXÂ is an elegant cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client that runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Its user-friendly chat-style interface enables users to easily create multiple MQTT/MQTTS connections and subscribe/publish MQTT messages.
MQTTX fully supports MQTT versions 5.0 and 3.1.1, MQTT over TLS, MQTT over WebSocket, and one-way and two-way SSL authentication. In addition to these essential features, MQTTX offers advanced functionality, such as customizable scripts for MQTT Pub/Sub simulation and support for codecs like Hex, Base64, and JSON payloads.
MQTTX is an open-source project developed with Electron and maintained by the EMQX team. The latest release is version 1.9.2 by the end of April 2023.
GitHub Project:Â https://github.com/emqx/mqttx
brew install --cask mqttx
MQTT Explorer is an open-source MQTT client tool that provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) with a structured topic overview. It adopts a hierarchical main view and supports a visual chart display of received payload messages.
MQTT Explorer supports MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1 protocols and allows developers to simultaneously create one MQTT/MQTTS connection.
MQTT Explorer is written in Typescript and developed by Thomas Nordquist. It’s cross-platform and can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It’s a pity that the project has been out of development since the last release of version 0.4.0-beta1 on April 28, 2020.
GitHub:Â https://github.com/thomasnordquist/MQTT-Explorer
MQTTX Web is a user-friendly, browser-based tool for online debugging, developing, and testing MQTT applications. It connects to an MQTT broker via a WebSocket client and offers an intuitive interface.
Developed by the EMQX team, MQTTX Web is an open-source tool that supports MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5.0 protocols and WebSocket transports. It is licensed under Apache Version 2.0.
GitHub Project:Â https://github.com/emqx/MQTTX/tree/main/web
Try Now:Â http://www.emqx.io/online-mqtt-client
Additionally, MQTTX Web supports private deployment using Docker, which is beneficial when only a browser is available, or for testing in restricted intranet environments. Deploy from Docker Image:
docker pull emqx/mqttx-web docker run -d --name mqttx-web -p 80:80 emqx/mqttx-web
MQTT.Cool Test Client is a very simple and linear GUI (based on the MQTT.Cool API) through which you can test the interaction between the MQTT.Cool server and MQTT brokers. It supports connecting to the broker via MQTT TCP in the browser.
Try Now:Â https://testclient-cloud.mqtt.cool/
MQTTX CLIÂ is a lightweight and easy-to-use MQTT 5.0 command line tool. With various commands for MQTT publishing, subscribing, benchmarking, and IoT data simulation, it is one of the most powerful tools for MQTT development.
MQTTX CLI is an open-source project written in Node.js and developed by the EMQX team. It’s cross-platform and can work on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
GitHub Project:Â https://github.com/emqx/MQTTX/tree/main/cli
MQTTX CLI is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. For additional installation options, please consult the documentation.
docker pull emqx/mqttx-cli docker run -it --rm emqx/mqttx-cli
brew install emqx/mqttx/mqttx-cli
Test connecting to an MQTT broker:
mqttx conn -h 'broker.emqx.io' -p 1883 -u 'test' -P 'test'
Subscribe to an MQTT topic:
mqttx sub -t 'topic/#' -h 'broker.emqx.io' -p 1883
Publish a QoS1 message to an MQTT topic:
mqttx pub -t 'topic' -q 1 -h 'broker.emqx.io' -p 1883 -m 'Hello from MQTTX CLI'
The MQTTX CLI also supports publishing multiple messages. Add a -M parameter and a -s parameter to the command in the editor, and newline it after each entry.
For MQTTX CLI, the bench
 command is easy to use and concise in its content output. For a large number of connections, subscriptions, and publications, the display method has been optimized by dynamically updating the real-time numbers to avoid being overwhelmed by a large number of output logs during use.
Mosquitto is a widely used open-source MQTT broker with the popular mosquitto_pub
 and mosquitto_sub
 command line clients. These CLI tools offer a wide range of options to connect, subscribe to, and publish messages to an MQTT broker.
The Mosquitto project is written in C/C++ and maintained by the Eclipse Foundation. Mosquitto is highly portable and can be deployed on various platforms, including Linux, Mac, Windows, and Raspberry Pi.
GitHub Project:Â https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto
docker pull eclipse-mosquitto
brew install mosquitto
Publish a QoS1 message to an MQTT topic:
mosquitto_pub -t 'topic' -q 1 -h 'broker.emqx.io' -p 1883 -m 'Hello from Mosquitto CLI'
Subscribe to an MQTT topic:
mosquitto_sub -t 'topic/#' -h 'broker.emqx.io' -p 1883
mosquitto_rr -t 'req-topic' -e 'rep-topic' -m 'request message' -h 'broker.emqx.io' mosquitto_pub -t 'rep-topic' -m 'response message' -h 'broker.emqx.io'
EasyMQTT is an MQTT client for iPhone, iPad, and macOS, allowing you to interact with any MQTT Broker. Use it to manage your setup at home, control things like Zigbee2MQTT or monitor a remote broker. It features a simple, user-friendly interface, supporting both light and dark modes.
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