MQTT in IoT: What You Need to Know
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
- Last Updated: December 2, 2024
Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M-to-M) technologies require a messaging and connectivity protocol to exchange information from remote locations.
When choosing such a protocol, several desirable features come into play:
MQTT (message queuing telemetry transport) fulfills all of these requirements and has gained momentum with the support of major public clouds — Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. In this article, we’ll explore why MQTT is the most popular choice of messaging protocol for IoT products.
MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that was developed by IBM and first released in 1999. It uses the pub/sub pattern and translates messages between devices, servers, and applications.
Originally, MQTT was created to connect sensors on oil pipelines with communications satellites, with a focus on minimizing battery usage and bandwidth consumption.
MQTT has seen ongoing development since its inception. Version 5.0, released in May 2018, brought significant changes and enhancements to the MQTT protocol.
In the MQTT protocol, connected devices are known as “clients,” which communicate with a server called the “broker.” The broker handles the task of data transmission between clients.
Whenever a client (also known as the “publisher”) wants to distribute information, it will publish on a particular topic. The broker then forwards this information to any clients that have subscribed to that topic (known as “subscribers”).
Publishers don’t need data on the number or the locations of subscribers, and subscribers don’t require any data about the publisher. Any client can act as a publisher, subscriber, or both. Typically, clients aren’t aware of each other — only of the broker that serves as the intermediary. This setup is commonly known as the “pub/sub model”.
In MQTT protocol, clients use two main types of messages: publish and subscribe.
When a client wants to send data to the broker, this is known as a “publish.” Conversely, when a client wants to receive data from the broker, it will “subscribe” to a topic or topics. Upon subscribing to a topic, the client receives all messages published on that topic going forward.
We commonly refer to published data as “messages.” Messages can be anything one part of a system needs to communicate to other parts. Messages might be raw sensor readings, log messages, telemetry data, or heartbeats. Some messages might be more like commands, prompting a specific action in the receiving clients.
Along with the message itself, the publisher also sends a QoS (quality of service) level. This level defines the guarantee of delivery of the message. These QoS levels are as follows:
MQTT is a versatile messaging protocol with numerous use cases in the IoT realm. Here are some common applications:
MQTT finds extensive application in various IoT scenarios, demonstrating its versatility, efficiency, and reliability. Now let’s explore the benefits of MQTT in more detail.
MQTT protocol offers several benefits for IoT applications:
Here are things that might be problematic for your use case:
While MQTT protocol is widely used in IoT, there are alternatives to consider:
XMPP (extensible messaging and presence protocol) is a communications protocol based on the XML language for storing and transporting data. It’s frequently used to power instant messaging services such as Jabber.
Some of the primary differences between XMPP and MQTT are:
HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) and its extension HTTPS (hypertext transfer protocol secure) are foundational communications protocols for the World Wide Web. However, they are stateless and carry more overhead per transmission than MQTT. Additionally, HTTPS has a lower throughput than MQTT, meaning that you can’t send as many messages in the same amount of time.
MQTT plays a crucial role in IoT projects by providing a more “low-lift” solution in terms of technical specifications while achieving the desired connections among devices, servers, and applications. Its lightweight nature, energy efficiency, real-time operation, and ease of implementation make it a popular choice in the IoT landscape.
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