




DAMiAS - Data-driven Asset Management in the Automotive Sector

June 30, 2020

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

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Assets are a crucial part in every manufacturing company – large ones like whole machinery, transportation equipment, and small ones like spare parts and tools. They all have one thing in common - they’re expensive and if they break or operate with reduced performance it means losing money minute per minute. Digitalization tackles also these challenges – with a cutting-edge approach. With more radical approaches, completely new optimization concepts are possible.
A trans-national research project – supported by the German and Czech government – was set up to work on the latest technologies e.g. pattern identification and semantic modeling and make this applicable for the industry.
See what they have found out!

What you can expect:
Two innovative companies and two of the most renowned research organizations in the field of Digitalization and Industry 4.0 were working on state-of-the-art approaches for the implementation of data-driven Asset Management.
Understanding the behavior of the production process through real data is the central idea of Smart Factory. How to extract meaningful information from data and what to do with it next?




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